Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Free Picasa Webinar by Google and Geeks on Tour

This Friday, November 13, you can watch a one hour Picasa Seminar on the Web.  Geeks on Tour will be in Mountain View, California to co-host this webinar with Google. 

You can check it out and register for the event by visiting the Picasa Help page. 

Here's the Webinar description:

New to Picasa? Want to learn how to edit and organize your photos? The Picasa team, along with Chris Guld from Geeks on Tour, will be hosting a free webinar tailored to Picasa newcomers. You will learn quick and easy ways to crop, add effects, change the coloring and improve your photos. Following the demo there will be a Q&A portion hosted by the Picasa team and Geeks on Tour. Hope you can join us!

Register for the event


  1. I signed up for this Webinar Nov 3, 2009 but had to go out of town on an emergency and could not take the class. When will the next one be scheduled? Can I be notified of it?
    Thank you for your informative and easy to understand instructions. I wish I could join as a Tour Member but am 73 year old on SS and do not have the money, so I will watch what is free and appreciate you all the more! God Bless.

  2. Hello Beverly,
    It will probably be a while before we do another live Webinar ... but the past one will be available as a Youtube video. It's not there quite yet, but I will post the location here on the Picasatutorial.com blog as well as sending notice to everyone signed up for the Picasa Tip o the Week. It should be available very soon.
