Thursday, November 12, 2009

More Help from Google on Picasa

Where do we (Geeks on Tour)  go when you all ask a question we can't answer?   We go to the Google Picasa Support Forum.  This is where thousands of people ask their questions about Picasa.  If you have a question, odds are that someone else has had the same question and there are also people on that forum who give great answers - including some folks from Picasa.

In addition to the users' forum, there are help articles on all the basic topics you need to know about Picasa.

Frequently Asked Questions

And, now there is a new addition - the Picasa Resources FAQ page. FAQs are just that - the questions that are asked most often in the forums and elsewhere.  If you're just getting started with Picasa, I highly recommend reading thru the FAQs.  You might get some questions cleared up before you even realize you have the question.

The FAQ page is maintained by the people who answer the most questions in the forum - the 'Top Contributors' - and we're proud to say that they see enough value in the Geeks on Tour videos to include a link to our site as well.  There is also a link to the Picasa YouTube channel.

Free Picasa Webinar

If you haven't registered for the webinar yet - there's still time. Here's the link.  This free live webinar will happen tomorrow, November 13 starting at 10 am Pacific time.  That's 11am Arizona time, 11am Mountain time, 12 noon Central time, and 1pm Eastern time.  Now that it's over, you can watch the Youtube recording of the webinar.

If you can't make it at that time, not to worry, it will be recorded and we will post the link here when it is ready.


  1. Chris

    See if your host will update us on the following 3.5 bugs

    1- The flip H V control is not saved on export,printing,saving.

    2- MP3 Music files not working correctly.

    3- Scan once folder tag not working.

    4- All drives not showing up on Picasa watch list (Flash Drives)

    Thanks - For all your hours of help!

    Frank Geister
    Picasa Teacher Sun City Huntley Computer Club


  2. I am trying to find some pictures that i put on our Sundand High school band website that i found out were stored somehow by picasa. Not sure how that happened, but i need those pictures for the website the band is using now. I dont know anything about picasa just that our tech says they are stored by picasa. I do not have anyuser names or passwords or anything, just hoping that some kind person will say here they are and send them back to me or tell he how to go find them. please respond asap as i am sending this without knowing much, but still need to get the pictures. thank-you vicky adams
